Thursday 19 May 2011

Zombie Generation

British Fashion Stamps

This was a College project, RSA competition brief.

The brief was to select 6 different fashion styles or pieces that are iconic to British fashion. I chose to look at the 1800's because this is the decade in fashion that I feel has made a come back into modern fashion. I wanted to use the old with the new, so I kept to a very plain minimal style and added a drop shadow to each photograph.

Monday 16 May 2011

Tank Girl Inspired

I am really into comics, especially Tank girl by Jamie Hewlett. I attempted his style with a few of my own drawings. The second and last drawings are portraits of myself.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

This is a college project for complete cover re-design for The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I chose the book because my middle name is Dorothy so I thought it was apt. The first image is explicit and the second is implicit. In the book L. Frank Baum describes a character called a Kalidah, which is a bears body with a tigers head. The Wicked Witch of the West sends these Kalidah after Dorothy and the others into the forest. These is the scene I wanted to re-create on my implicit cover.

Collage work in a Stephen King book

I had a lot of doodles and drawings on scraps of paper. So instead of putting them into a sketchbook I collaged them into an old Stephen King book. I thought this was a more effective and creative way to present my drawings. The first chapter (first 4 photographs) are all based on toys and objects from my childhood. The second chapter (Last 2 photographs) I picked a word within the text and drew a picture based on that word.